Yemeni Joint forces dismantle an Iran-backed Houthi spy cell South of Hodeidah

The Yemen's joint forces revealed on Thursday preliminary information about a new spy cell for the Iran-backed Houthis, whose members were arrested in Khoukha city, south of Hodeidah, 4 months after the dismantling of a similar spy cell in west of Taiz.
The process of monitoring and tracking the members of the cell by the General Intelligence Division of the National Resistance culminated in its dismantling and the arrest of three of its most dangerous elements. The media of the joint forces said in a statement.
The cell's confessions confirmed their involvement in communications operations with the Houthis, which included transmitting coordinates on the presence of the leaders and locations of the joint forces and coast guard brigades in the Red Sea sector. The statement added.
The dismantling of the spy cell in Khoukha is a new security achievement for the General Intelligence Division of the National Resistance, which previously dismantled a series of spy cells and networks recruited by the Houthis on the western coast, the most important of which are the Mocha cell, the arms smuggling cell associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and the cell planting explosive devices on the West Coast.