بالصور.. قاضية في محكمة "داعش": البغدادي أمر بقطع رأسي وتقديمه هدية لعروس في حفل زفافها (ترجمة)

ذكرت صحيفة "ديلي ميل" البريطانية، أن زعيم تنظيم داعش أبو بكر البغدادي، أمر بقطع رأس امرأة تعمل ضمن المحكمة الشرعية للنساء، وتقديمه لعروس كهدية زفافها.

وجاء الحكم بعد أن طالبت امرأة أخرى تعمل لصالح المحكمة الشرعية في التنظيم، بقتل شخص كافر كمهر لحفل زفافها، وذلك ثأراً لمقتل زوجها السابق في إحدى المعارك، بحسب الصحيفة.

وأفادت "ديلي ميل"، أن البغدادي رفض أن تقتل رجلاً، وأصر على أن تقطع رأس امرأة قاضية تعمل في الحسبة، والتي اتهمت بالتجسس لصالح نظام الأسد، وذلك انطلاقاً من الفصل الصارم بين شؤون النساء والرجال في التنظيم.

ونقلت الصحيفة عن المرأة المنشقة التي صدر بحقها الحكم وتدعى لينا - اسم مستعار - أن هذه الهدية الهمجية واحدة من سلسلة أحكام مروعة تصدرها الشرطة الدينية في داعش، والتي يطلق عليها اسم الحسبة.

ووصفت لينا الصراع على السلطة والفساد داخل التنظيم، وكيف يتم استخدام الأطفال كمخبرين، بينما تتعرض النساء والرجال لأحكام همجية، حيث جلدت امرأة بريئة 80 جلدة في مكان عام عن طريق الخطأ، إضافة للمعاملة السيئة للسجناء الأيزيديين، والسماح للمقاتلين باغتصاب السبايا.

وأشارت لينا، أن هناك خمس نساء بريطانيات في الحسبة، وبعضهن ممن أعلن إسلامهن حديثاً، وخاصةً الشقراء سوزانا والصهباء فاطمة، مؤكدةً أنهن يحصلن على معاملة خاصة من التنظيم.

وقالت، إنها عبرت الحدود إلى تركيا منذ ستة أسابيع، وهي تعيش في خوف دائم من أن يلاحقها عناصر التنظيم ويقتلوها.

وأضافت: عندما وصل المقاتلون والنساء الأجانب، كنا نظن أنهم أبطال، وأنهم جاءوا ليضحوا بحياتهم في سبيل حمايتنا، والقتال من أجل حريتنا، ولكن سرعان ما اتضح أنهم جاؤوا من أجل المال والذهب والسبايا. إنهم ليسوا أكثر من قتلة ولصوص ومغتصبين.

*ترجمة خاصة لوكالة "خبر" - ليلى جمال: عن Daily Mail

Covert: Leena's (pictured) first mission was to spy on young women at a 'Sharia training camp' and find 'unbelievers' who would be sent to Sharia Courts where they would be tried and faced punishment
Covert: Leena's (pictured) first mission was to spy on young women at a 'Sharia training camp' and find 'unbelievers' who would be sent to Sharia Courts where they would be tried and faced punishment

Haunting: Leena has exposed the dark reality of living under ISIS rule and how 'innocent' people were executed and women were brutally lashed in public by 'mistake'
Haunting: Leena has exposed the dark reality of living under ISIS rule and how 'innocent' people were executed and women were brutally lashed in public by 'mistake'

Haunting: Leena has exposed the dark reality of living under ISIS rule and how 'innocent' people were executed and women were brutally lashed in public by 'mistake'
Haunting: Leena has exposed the dark reality of living under ISIS rule and how 'innocent' people were executed and women were brutally lashed in public by 'mistake'

Terror: The role she performed was not dissimilar to that of ISIS's all-female police force, the Al-Khansaa Brigade (pictured), who enforce strict Sharia law on the streets of Islamic State's adopted capital Raqqa
Terror: The role she performed was not dissimilar to that of ISIS's all-female police force, the Al-Khansaa Brigade (pictured), who enforce strict Sharia law on the streets of Islamic State's adopted capital Raqqa

Gruesome: In January, ISIS released images from the embattled town of El Mayadin where it claimed to kill and mutilate 11 civilians (pictured) for 'apostasy' - or abandonment of Islam
Gruesome: In January, ISIS released images from the embattled town of El Mayadin where it claimed to kill and mutilate 11 civilians (pictured) for 'apostasy' - or abandonment of Islam

Brutal: Leena says three amputations (pictured) took place in the main square of El Mayadin during her time working for the Sharia court. It is usually a punishment ISIS doles out to people suspected of theft
Brutal: Leena says three amputations (pictured) took place in the main square of El Mayadin during her time working for the Sharia court. It is usually a punishment ISIS doles out to people suspected of theft

Execution: One beheading took place in El Mayadin (file photo) during her time in the town, and others apparently happened after she escaped six weeks ago 
Execution: One beheading took place in El Mayadin (file photo) during her time in the town, and others apparently happened after she escaped six weeks ago�

Punishment: Leena claimed that she never took part in the floggings (pictured in Iraq) in the public square but she saw enough brutality in El Mayadin to convince her she needed to escape
Punishment: Leena claimed that she never took part in the floggings (pictured in Iraq) in the public square but she saw enough brutality in El Mayadin to convince her she needed to escape

Force: In September last year, ISIS released terrifying images of its Hisbah religious police force standing guard outside an Islamic State prison in Iraq's Nineveh province (pictured)
Force: In September last year, ISIS released terrifying images of its Hisbah religious police force standing guard outside an Islamic State prison in Iraq's Nineveh province (pictured)

Escape: The captured Yazidis (file photo from Mount Sinjar last year) 'were given to local fighters – to do with them whatever they wanted - sex, beating, death,' Leena claims
Escape: The captured Yazidis (file photo from Mount Sinjar last year) 'were given to local fighters – to do with them whatever they wanted - sex, beating, death,' Leena claims